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Have a say at #nowconf!

Our Conviction: Involving young people

Young people and their future well-being are those most affected by decisions on how we live together. Integrating your knowledge, insights and concerns is vital to shaping the future! Therefore 70 young people between 16 – 25 years have the chance to take part in the 7th International Mayors’ Conference NOW.

The youth participants will meet in Vienna, Austria for four days from 15 – 18 February 2020. They will have the opportunity to take part in a designed youth programme starting on 15 February and participate in the interactive Conference from 16 – 18 February 2020.


We are reading … So many applications!

We have received many applications from young people all over the world. Thanks to all those who took the time to write to us.

We are currently in the process of selecting the youth participants. By the beginning of December 2019 we will contact all applicants and let you know about the outcome. So, check your E-Mails – you will hear from us.