Audio Snippets
All audio records of the conference and additional interviews are royalty free for editorial use (Credit:Act.Now).

André Heller
Co-Founder of Act.Now, Austria
André Heller is one of the most influential and successful multimedia artists in the world. In 2016 he co-founded Act.Now with Patricia Kahane and entrepreneur Elke Zuckermann to work towards a respectful and appreciative social coexistence in the near and distant future.

Jürgen Czernohorszky
Executive City Councillor for Education, Integration, Youth and Personnel of the City of Vienna
Since January 2017 Jürgen Czernohorszky is the City Councillor for Education, Integration, Youth and Personnel; previously holding office as Executive President of the Vienna City School Council.

Diana Guenther
Researcher and community development worker in Vancouver, Canada
I started my career in the early 1990s working in a community youth development context and I have worked in that context in various capacities (government, NGOs) . My early career has focused on working with marginalised youth and marginalised communities in Europe (UK, Netherlands, Germany) and as off 2003, Vancouver, Canada. In recent years, I have re-focused my career as a researcher and policy analyst with a particular focus on involving marginalised populations into policy environments.

Natalie Haas
Austrian Youth Delegate to the United Nations
Has a diploma in Elementary Pedagogy from BAKIP Salzburg (2014), a BA in Political Science from Universität Salzburg (2017), a MSc in Conflict Resolution from University of Essex (graduated with distinction) (2018). She currently serves as the Austrian Youth Delegate to the United Nations. She isthe founder of ZIAG (, a small organisation supporting the integration of refugees and positive coexistence. Particular interests are: SDGs in elementary education, Youth participation, International Relations, Migration, Integration.
- Wo sollten Jugendliche miteinbezogen werden? [GERMAN]
- Natalie Haas: Haben Jugendliche heute mehr Mitspracherecht als früher? [GERMAN]
- Was braucht es für mehr Partizipation von jungen Menschen? [GERMAN]
- Was bewirken Galionsfiguren wie die 16-jährige Greta Thunberg? [GERMAN]
- Was ist Ihr Appell? [GERMAN]

Lefteris Papagiannakis
Deputy Mayor of the City of Athens
After working for the European Parliament, Lefteris Papagiannakis was elected in the municipality of Athens in 2014 and is responsible for Migrant and Refugee Affairs as Vice Mayor since 2016.

Sara Sušanj
Vice President of the Youth Council Opatija, Croatia
Graduate student of Philosophy and Pedagogy and a volunteer for Society Our Children Opatija in charge of planning and leading the workshops for the members of Children City Councils. Since 2017, member and a vice president of the Youth Council of Opatija which is engaged in ensuring active inclusion of young people of Opatija in contributing to all kinds of decision-making processes related to the city‘s development.

Umberto Costantini
Mayor of Spilamberto, Italy
I am Umberto Costantini, Mayor of Spilamberto. I studied Political Science at the University of Bologna. I have been active for years in the world of volunteering through the scout movement. At the age of 25 I ran for the primaries of my party to become the mayoral candidate of my city. In 2014 I won the primaries and the elections and so I became one of the youngest mayors of Italy. I have been part of the National Committee of the Italian Democratic Party since 2017.

Gari Pavkovic
Commissioner for Integration of the Municipality of Stuttgart

Tjark Bartels
Head of Administration Hameln-Pyrmont District
Tjark Bartels ran as a mayor of the municipality Wedemark and is in this function since September 2006. In October 2013, he won in a runoff for the district election, chosen by the SPD of Hameln-Pyrmont. His activities include opportunity management in rural areas and the economic reorganisation of municipal enterprises. One of his most significant projects was the spontaneous opening of a first reception facility in Hameln, in September 2016, in which up to 1000 refugees found a safe shelter.

Hannah Doppel
Initiative Offene Gesellschaft e.V.

Simon Anliker
Dachverband Schweizer Jugendparlamente – DSJ, Team Leader Gemeinden
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (University of Geneva), Master of Law (University of Bern) (ongoing) and working experience as trainee at the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Staff Office (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), project assistant in the Team „liaison and communication“ where we elaborated the exhibition „Displaced“ (, assistant for Mission and Event Management at the Swiss Cooperation Office in Amman, Jordan.